“Add” and “Pagination” features rolled out

3 min readDec 18, 2020


Christmas and New Year 2021 is just around the corner, Bitcoin has hit a new all-time-high of $23,700 — so much excitement this week! But it doesn`t mean we`ve stopped the development of EtherDrops! Engines are running at full speed to make our product even better. To lets dive deep into it! 🔥

This time is no exception and we want to share some important updates with you. Those updates aim to improve usability of EtherDrops.

  1. We`ve added a new button “+ Add” to the Bottom menu.

First, select “+Add”. Second, select either “Coin”, “Wallet” or “Pool”.

The following improvement aims to faсilitate the addition of new coins, wallets and pools in an easy, effective and time-saving manner. Your options are located in a nice and convenient way. There is no need to press “Menu” and then navigate to the desired option any longer, but you may continue to do so as you wish.

2. “Pagination” has been added to the “Edit Coins”, “Edit Wallets” and “Edit Pools” page.

For this example, we will take the “Edit Coins” page for demonstrational purposes. Once you`re on the “Edit Coins” page and if you have over 5 coins added in total, this is when you will be able to take advantage of the new element. Previously you had to scroll down and up through the list to find the coin you need. From now on all your added coins will be listed on separate pages you can flip though. Each page will contain 5 coins. The bot will tell you which coins are on the next / previous page.

This feature works exactly the same for wallets and pools as well! It simplifies the process a lot because when you have a lot of coins, pools or wallets added you can easily lose track of them. Additionally, it clears the overall outlook as it looks a bit tidier.

✅We hope you will find the new update useful. Stay assured we do everything we can to deliver the best service to you. We would also like to take an opportunity to thank you for your overwhelming support at Gitcoin when we applied for a Grant! It was the first time since 2018 we began offering our services. Thank you so much, your support means a lot to us! ✅

As always we will be glad to hear your thoughts and suggestions on the ways to improve EtherDrops even further. You can do it via the contact form “Contact us” on the main page, alternatively you can drop us an email at hello@0xcheck.com.

Until next time!




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