Dear users,
Due to increased instances of fraud-related reports and fake EtherDrops bot channels being created, we would like to release an official statement from our team.
Below we have outlined our official Telegram bot channels, as well as some useful tips for you to follow to avoid being scammed by untrustworthy parties and fraudsters claiming to be the real EtherDrops bot channel.
Our official Telegram channels
These are the only official EtherDrops Bot channels. Please do not use any other bots pretending to be us.
This list will be constantly updated and monitored. As a reminder, we have introduced multiple channels to eliminate time lags and improve user experience, because there is a limit put forward by Telegram on the number of requests a single channel can handle in a second.
Useful tips
- EtherDrops bot will NEVER ask for your Private or Seed phrase.
- No-one from our team will ever PM you first and ask for any private info.
- If unsure, please refer to our Medium channel and specifically to this article. We always leave a link to this channel in the main Menu of the bot. If anything changes or there is a significant update- we will definitely post it here.
Beware of scam bots and fraudsters out there! Never give out any of your private info as you may lose your funds!